Mushishi Zoku Shou Suzu no Shizuku came out recently.
It's the latest and last episode of the Mushishi series.
If you haven't seen the anime... go watch it!!!! \(゚ー゚\)
Game News
I will not be keeping up to date with any new games...sorry.
I will instead, post about a game or games i am currently playing or have played.
At the moment i am playing Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies on my phone.
Yay for ds emulators (*^-‘) 乃
Here are some pics of the characters i created.
**i forgot the extra o in Kohii..should be Koohii ((Japanese for coffee XD Kekki and Koohii are 2 characters in the game i am making :v so i used their names since i'm lazy ))
【 TV 】 -o(. ̄ )
Omg what happened to his eye. ahahah he looks even crazier than usual. (ᗒᗨᗕ)
and for reading all of this... have some cake. (*^◇^)_旦